May 2005
Pre-registration is up and running, the ladies in the office are pedaling furiously, trying to keep up! Seems like all of the States were represented in the first 24 hours of pre-reg. It's really fun to be in the office for that first week, and it's great to get a chance to talk to all of you as you call in. The things that I heard most were about the tremendous "family" feel of the Convention, and how everyone is looking forward to seeing their brothers and sisters in skydiving again! We have a few folks who have left the sport for one reason or another, and they are coming just to see the family, and hang out with the adrenaline blue sky seekers who come to spend their vacations at the Disneyland of skydiving, too!

It's fun to answer the phone and have someone ask if their good buddy from another dropzone is coming. "Man, I've missed him so much, and can hardly wait to hang out in the sky with him!" BEST FRIENDS who only see each other at the World Free Fall Convention, once a year! It's that once a year, or maybe even only once in a lifetime, good time, that makes the Convention the premium skydiving vacation on everyones list. We love to be the one on the other end of the line who gets to say "yea! I talked to him this morning, and he was asking about YOU!" We're really looking forward to August 4th and 5th when everyone starts arriving, slapping each other on the back, giving those great hugs and SMILING, SMILING, SMILING!

We have heard from a bunch of new faces who have been listening to the wonderful vibe stories told all around the world. Fresh new skydivers who are coming for the first time in 2005. The newest members of our family, looking to hang with the experienced attendees who always take the time to share time and knowledge with eager young recipients. Some of these guys are lower number jumpers and some are surprisingly experienced. It's going to be a great year!

Our main boss, Mr. Don Kirlin is out of the country for a little while, so we thought that we would take the advantage and give away a free jacket every week of pre-reg. When you pre-reg, your name goes into a hat, and stays there until you win, or pre-reg is over, which ever comes first. The earlier you pre-reg, the more chances you have to win! Our website is going through a revamp, and the information on it will be updated in the next couple of weeks. We want to give you the latest and greatest, so keep your eyes open, and check in often. We love to hear from you, so don't forget to drop us a line on the message board, we get a chuckle out of you guys, and when the phones are crazy, a chuckle can be a GOOD thing.

We have pictures of many of you hanging all over the office. We think of you constantly, we love to hear your ideas, thoughts and needs for the Convention. We even love the crazy stuff you come up with. Well, MOST of the crazy stuff you come up with... Can't wait to see you! WOO HOO! WFFC 2005! 

"WFFC", "World Freefall Convention 2003", "" and the "Skydive!" globe, are exclusive trademarks for the World Freefall Convention. These trademarks are intellectual property and belong to World Freefall Convention Inc. They may not be duplicated or transmitted in any way without the expressed written consent of World Free Fall Convention Inc. All other rights are reserved.