April 2005

Less than a month to go until Pre-registration opens. The gang in the office are busy organizing us, and answering, answering, answering phones....

This is the week that discussion on fuel prices dictates the final cost on jump ticket prices, so the numbers should be posted by the end of the week. Bet that saves at least 100 phone calls in the next 5 days! But we still love to hear from you, even if that is no longer your excuse for calling! Pre-registration info should be online about the same time, and we expect to see you on our web forum (keep it CLEAN! yea, right.)

Volunteers are checking in to see if we still need them. We have a great team of volunteers who come all the way from Quincy every year, to live with us for 10 days and they'll be back. We picked up a few new volunteers from all over God's creation last year, and most of them will be back, too. The terrific folks of Rantoul have really come out of the woodwork to support us, and are bringing their friends in droves. Do we still need more help? OF COURSE WE DO! We couldn't possibly provide the World's Greatest Skydiving Event without all of you! It takes between 150 and 300 people a day to put on this terrific, total sensory, mind blowing party, and we want you to be part of our team!

Dropzone Row is starting to fill out nicely, and the expanded Vendors Row is really gonna shine this year! Keep an eye on our website, we will be posting names and locations as time goes by. This time of year people start asking who our jump planes will be. Yup, we're talking to all of them, too. And yes, we're trying to bring back that great big one, but we aren't going to jinx it by saying that word out loud. It is time though, right? We won't be posting the names of the rides until they are confirmed, but we will promise that you will have the most available lifts at any one dz, at any one time. We want you to be able to add the most variety to your logbook in August!

Gary Peek checked in this week. I hear he's lining up a tremendous team for our load organizing tents. If you have never been to the WFFC before, this in itself is good enough reason to come! Free load organizing, all day, every day for TEN days! FREE seminars every night to hone those skills you have been wondering about. Don't sit at home and wish! Come and experience the most spectacular skydivers sharing their secrets.

The bands have been hired and Dan tells us that he'll have the names up on the website any day now. Travis (Jelloshot Guy) is planning his nightly specials around the bands, so there should be some great theme nights coming down the pike. (Hawaiian leis anyone?) We spoke with the beer people this week, too. Guess what, they have PLENTY. They like the fact that Don provides you guys with 10 evenings of FREE beer. I think they may make some more, just to be sure!

We are all looking forward to seeing you, but we LOVE hearing from you, so drop us a line, or give us a call. We all have World Free Fall Convention FEVER, how 'bout you?!

"WFFC", "World Freefall Convention 2003", "freefall.com" and the "Skydive!" globe, are exclusive trademarks for the World Freefall Convention. These trademarks are intellectual property and belong to World Freefall Convention Inc. They may not be duplicated or transmitted in any way without the expressed written consent of World Free Fall Convention Inc. All other rights are reserved.